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Patent Registration

For Invention


A patent is a kind of intellectual property right (IPR) which gives its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing his/her invention/work. A patent may include many claims, each of which defines a specific property right. A patent is, technically, a grant of protection for an invention.

There are three types of patents: design patents, utility patents, and technology patents.

In order for an invention to qualify for patent eligibility, the invention must be a “new and useful” process, machine, manufacture or product.

How to get Patent Registration in India?

Application needs to be filed to Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, duly supported by necessary documents.

Brand Liaison helps in protection of IPR to the owners of all types of work. We are a team of qualified and experienced professionals who offer a complete registration services in India. For details, please check the Important Information given below.

Important Information - Patent

Patentability Criteria

An invention is patentable only if it meets the following requirements:

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Required Documents

Documents required for Patent Registration are as follows:

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Standard Costing and Timeline

Below are the Costing and Timeline for Patent Registration:

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Validity and Renewal

Patent Registration Certificate is valid for 20 years from the date of application provided it is renewed annually.

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Registration Process

Process of Patent Registration is described in following steps:

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What is not an Invention ( Not Patentable )

Under the Indian Patent Act, 19070, the following are not inventions within the meaning of the Act:

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